I Am Giving It Away!.
I am so grateful for this life I live and the gifts I have been given! Every day is a gift, and every day has become fuller since I discovered the labyrinth pattern I call the Aquarian Labyrinth. since the Aquarian Labyrinth has done so much for my growth, I feel like I want others to experience the amazing feeling of moving forward. So I am going to release my book on my blog, one little section at a time. As you read about what has been given me I hope you too will find Love, Peace, Joy, and Healing at the heart!
I am starting with the Introduction so we can all be on the same page. Below you can read the introduction before the first chapter and I will continue to release half of a chapter per week. You can also buy the book on Amazon by following the link below. Whether you buy the book or just read it here I hope you find it to be an informative, enlightening, entertaining journey, Enjoy!
What this book is: This book is the story of my personal discovery of the Aquarian Labyrinth. It is a book that introduces something new yet ancient. It is a story that may stretch your perception of the labyrinth and what the traditional patterns have taught you. This is a sharing experience of what I have been shown, and what I have learned through the teaching that has come from walking with my friend the labyrinth and especially the discovery of the new yet ancient Aquarian Labyrinth.
It is basically the meandering ramblings of the inner workings of my mind, and what the labyrinth has placed there while discovering its twisting turning journey.
What this book is not: This book is not a labyrinth history book, nor is it a complete explanation of labyrinths as they are traditionally known. Many authors have covered the labyrinth subject in-depth, and sufficiently enough that I do not feel it necessary to attempt such an undertaking as I am far less qualified on those subjects than the people who have walked before me. (No pun intended)
If you are new to labyrinths I suggest you read other books on labyrinths as well to get a more rounded perspective of the traditional labyrinths of the ancient world. I don't consider this text a suitable introduction to labyrinths. Authors such as Sig Lonegrene, Lauren Artress, and Gayle West have done a fantastic job of covering the introduction and history of traditional labyrinths. I have no desire to redo work that has already been done.
The reason for writing this book is to introduce you, the reader/adventurer, to a new set of patterns that I have discovered and invite you to explore. As such, the majority of the subject matter will refer to these discovered patterns which I call Continuous Path Labyrinths, or Aquarian Labyrinth patterns. Reference to other writings will be made when necessary.
I believe these newly discovered patterns have much to teach us. If we allow for that to manifest. I have experienced many lessons personally. Some I choose to share here, and some I chose to keep private. I encourage you to not only explore the examples I give within this writing but also to go on and explore the patterns for yourself, then you too can choose to share your experiences or keep them to yourself.
To further what this book is not... it is not a book of worldwide maps and locations, although reading such material is fascinating, again, I have found the coverage of this subject to be quite complete, so complete in fact that I have nothing further to contribute, other than a few personal labyrinth locations on Google Earth. If you are interested in Labyrinth sites – Worldwide, may I suggest, going to the Labyrinth Society Website and looking at the World Labyrinth Locator Map where people register their labyrinth locations.
This book was not written or conceived by a professional metaphysicist, geomancer, scientist or archeologist. This book was simply written by someone who believes, a new pattern has come to light. A pattern that may have been overlooked for a long time.
It is not a complete guide on how to set-up or walk a labyrinth. Especially not the "traditional" patterns. I have, however, included a diagram of how to draw a Cretan labyrinth for those new to labyrinths, and for reference to the seed pattern and how changes to that seed pattern resulted in the Aquarian Labyrinth Patterns - ALP's
This book is not a way to convince you to believe the way I do. It is, however, an invitation to examine what you do believe.
What I hope this book is: I hope this book is inspirational to those who read it, and to those who decide to allow the labyrinths of the world to teach and guide them.
I hope this book will open hearts, heal lives and change people for the better, by working with the labyrinth patterns within.
I continue to find something new to learn in the friend and teacher which I have come to know as the Aquarian Labyrinth. I hope you will too!
“Finding Love, Peace, Joy and Healing the heart...”
Copied by the Author Llynnette VanHooser from the book - The Aquarian Labyrinth - A New Pattern for a New Age.
The above is the introduction chapter of my first book The Aquarian Labyrinth - a New Pattern for a New Age. I am Llynnette VanHooser and I look forward to hearing from you on how you are enjoying the free book chapters. Feel free to click on the Amazon link below to order my book on Amazon or Kindle.
Have a Blessed day!
Llynnette VanHooser
Llynnette.com - All of my interests in one place. #Llynnette #Ettennyll
AquarianBodyHarmonics.com - Energetic Healing Arts #AquarianBodyHarmonics #ABH
AquarianLabyrinth.com - A new Pattern for a New Age #AquarianLabyrinth
DuWackyDu.com - DuWackyDu Homestead #DuWakcyDu